Thursday, December 30, 2021

Noah is 15

 Dear Noah.

I have written many birthday letters over the years and I have listed the things you have done and enjoyed and excelled at. 

I have written about potential I have seen in you and my hopes and dreams based on that.

I feel like this year I have gotten to know you on a deeper level. Some challenges were involved with that, for both of us. But it has been very worth it to learn and grow with you.

Today, on your fifteenth birthday, I am here to say I absolutely love you. 

I love who you are right now. 

Not a version of you from the past. 

Not my own spin on who I think you are, 

or hope you are, 

or want you to be. 

I'm learning more about what love is and how to do that better. 

I loved going to the NF concert with you and walks with you and hearing about your new interests in working out and football. I like our shared interests in watching marvel shows, superman and Lois, and of course recently - everything Spiderman.  It's fun to sit and talk about them afterwards and analyze all the plot twists. 

You are a joy to parent. You are a joy to have around. I know you don't feel that alot of the time. I'll just keep telling you. 

I thank God for you and I pray for your future. I know that God has a unique design for your life. It's privilege watching you step into that.

Happy 15, son!

Love, Mom

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