Sunday, December 22, 2019

Noe is a teenager

Dear Noe,

You are a teenager today!  What a milestone.

I’m sitting here trying to put into words what it’s been like to be your mom for the past 13 years.  Usually I do not have a problem with words.  But sometimes when things are precious and amazing and challenging -  it’s tough to have just the right vocabulary to express that.

It’s been an honor and a privilege to have you as our son!

I love your thirst for knowledge,  your desire for excellence,  your love of truth,  heart for Jesus,  and inquisitive mind.  Is it always easy to parent you?
Is it one of the biggest blessings in my life?

See,  you and me -  we’re a lot alike. 😉 And sometimes that means we’re going to clash a little.  I don’t know all the science behind that,  but I bet you’ve got that covered. You’re quite scholarly enough.

I think the teenage years will be fun with you and I’m excited we’re there! I can only imagine the conversations,  learning moments,  and growing we will do together this year.  I’m ready for it.  

I have to be honest,  sometimes I feel inadequate to be the mom you need.  Quite often these days I’m learning from you,  not the other way around.  But I still see it -  I know you still need me to be there. As a support,  attending your concerts, cheering you on,  as a sounding board,  hearing your ideas,  as a comforter when your feelings are hurt and your sensitive nature gets trampled on.  You still need your mama.  While you may school me in theology,  statistics,  Star Wars,  all video games ever created,  math,  and always win at sequence,  I am still your soft and your comfort and your listening ear.  Despite the times we may encounter miscommunication or frustration with one another,  there’s  still big love.  And teeth brushing parties.  And drives to the library.  And relating over our interest in the Mandalorian. 

Also,  oh my -  let’s talk about how tall you are getting! Thanks for still bending down about 5 inches for a good night kiss every single night.

 I love your missional heart.  I see a real desire to help and serve God in any way you can,  even when it’s a bit out of your comfort zone. I really appreciate your helpfulness.

I love that you’re not scared of being in front of people and taking a leadership role.  In fact,  you definitely prefer it.  😉

And,  much like many 13 year old boys,  you do love your video game time.  Way to save and save and save for that Switch!  That was ALOT of loads of dishes.... 

I’m SO proud of you for pushing your physical limits and completing couch to 5k this year! I saw a new tenacity and crazy determination in you which really surprised and delighted me. Your runner mama knows how hard and uncomfortable it can be to push for those pace times and miles!   Good job on whole 30,  good job on conquering gym class.  Good job on taking 7th grade by storm and doing your very best.  I know this year your work load is heavy.  You’re doing great! Keep going strong. 

I know with your birthday so close to Christmas you sometimes feel like it’s easy to be overlooked. And I know with travel this year and everything going on that our busyness has perhaps made you feel less important. But your birthday is such a special day and I could never forget the beautiful moment you come into this world.  The complete and utter joy of lifting you onto my chest and seeing you go from a cry to complete relaxation. No,  Christmas is wonderful and full of hope and beauty of another kind,  but all the busy could never dampen what your birth means to me.  To us -  your family.  

Thank you for being you.  Happy 13,  Noah Ben!  We love you. 


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