Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Day 3 {Thankful that my head is on straight-ish}

Today: I am thankful for our chiropractor. Thankful that he was able to schedule me in, just a few hours after I called.

Something went horribly wrong during the hours of sleep last night. Perhaps my dreams were more brutal than I remember, but regardless, when I awoke I could not move my head to the left with out nauseating pain.

So, of course my thankful list will begin with Mr. Chiropractor. He adjusted, twisted, and cracked until finally he announced, "Well, I think that is all that I can do while still keeping your head attached".

Well thank you sir. For not, you know, removing my head.

And on that note, can I just say that I am SO thankful today that my head IS attached to my body?! I do not even exaggerate when I say that if it were NOT attached, I would surely forget where I placed it and certainly not remember to reassemble it with my body. Just ask my husband. He would so agree with that statement. Except he wouldn't. Because then I would get sulky and pout, "What are you saying about me? That I forget stuff??!" ;)

{Today: I am very grateful for a wonderful, patient husband... ;)

Today: I am also grateful for my Mom2mom group. We are a smaller group this year than we have been for the past couple of years, but still a great encouragement to one another. My Thursday mornings are very sweet due to these ladies.

Today: I am so thankful that my husband is making a glorious "breakfast" supper. The bacon is crackling, the waffles are steaming, the orange juice is chilled, the eggs are frying... One of my very favorite meals.

Signing off to join my breakfastdinner making husband.

{Be thankful}

1 comment:

Dawna said...

Hope you are feeling better soon, dear one. Enjoy your breakfast/dinner (one of my favorites, too)!