Thursday, November 24, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Day 24 {Thanksgiving day 2011}

Today: Thanksgiving day.

So much to be thankful for! I am tired and happy and truly, truly thankful.

Today: I am thankful for food preparation at my brother and sister-in-law's house and much peeking out the window to see when my parents would arrive.

Today: I am smiling about the plans we have been making behind my parent's backs for the past couple of months. I am thankful for siblings working together, even when it got tough.

I am thankful for the love that we share, and most importantly, our unified desire to honor my parents this Thanksgiving, and two days after this Thanksgiving.

On November 26th, 1971 my parents got married. Forty years is a big deal. A big deal that says, "No, we won't just celebrate it at Christmastime, like mom suggested. :) But we are going to work it out so the whole family can be together this Thanksgiving and this November 26th to celebrate all of the good. All of the reasons to be thankful".

I am thankful for the smiles on their faces and the love that surrounded all of us.

I am thankful for bacon in green bean casserole and three different kinds of cheesecakes. Yes, I am. *wink*

I am grateful to God for the amazing weather he gifted us with today.

I am thankful for cousins playing, Kai napping on Dave's chest, and hours with my family, who I so rarely see.

So much to be thankful for.

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