Monday, November 14, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Day 14 {Thankful for his mom}

Today: I am thankful for the helpful spirit of my mother in law.

When Dave signed up to re-enter college over a year ago, we found out the only night that would work for him to attend this program, geared towards working adults,  was each  Monday night.

-Might not sound like a big deal. To me, it was.

See, Monday nights have been very special to me for about 4 years now. This is the night that I go do my volunteering at a local crisis pregnancy center. Not only has this been the source of significant growth and ministry opportunity in my life, but I have formed bonds with the people I minister along side of that are of family material. It wouldn't work for me to volunteer any night other than Monday, because they aren't open in the evenings any other night.

We had some tough conversations. I learned some important lessons about supporting my husband whole heartedly. I prayed about my heart and attitude. I realized that no matter what ministry I am in, my ministry as standing behind my husband and making it possible for him to do what he is called to is the most important.

And right on the cusp of stepping back from my ministry for a season, Dave's mom told us that she would come over every Monday night to watch our boys.

So that he could go to school.

And I could continue volunteering.

And I don't really know if she could ever fully comprehend what that has meant to us.

The boys love it. They get grandma time every week. They know when Monday rolls around that they have a treat waiting for them in the afternoon and evening.

For me it has meant so much.

It has meant a continuation in a ministry where God has showed himself to me in ways I previously did not know him.

It has been a nice break from the mommy routine.

It means that I don't really notice the extra evening apart for Dave and I, because we are both busy, out doing what we know we are supposed to do anyway.

For the past 13 months, other than times she has been out of town, My mother in law has shown up at 3:00 every single Monday.

She did today too. And I am thankful. Very, very thankful.

When I left the house Kai was squealing and running around the house with grandma. Noe was grinning. The other boys weren't home from school yet, but had plans of reading books and telling stories to grandma.

When I got home the house was quiet. They were tucked snuggly in bed. Dishes were in the dishwasher.

I had the opportunity to be out in the community, meeting the needs placed before me.

I talked to a young couple tonight about the upcoming ultrasound for their first baby. I answered questions and made reassurances.

I have learned more from this ministry than any knowledge I could ever impart to the clients who walk through the doors of the Center for Women.

What a blessing.


savedbygrace said...

Wow! Your mother-in-law must be an amazing woman. That is truly a blessing indeed!

Nikki said...

What an amazing blessing!! I take for granted so often that both sides of our families are Christians, but with my family 400 miles away, I'm keenly aware of the blessing of nearby relatives and their support. So thankful alongside you for your MIL's willingness to babysit every week.

Arlona said...

Your mother-in-love is one of the ones reaping the blessing. I get to be with 4 of my grandsons every Monday night and watch their growth. We have such a good time playing, eating and reading together. One of my favorite things is having them all singing as they swing on the swings. We get to talk about Jesus and all that He has made and what He does for us. It makes this grandma's heart glad to see the love in the eyes of those grandsons. I am so blessed. Love, Mom