Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Day 13 {Thankful that He is our glue}

Today: I am thankful that we know marriage is work and that Dave and I are both willing to roll up our sleeves and dedicate ourselves to that work.

I am thankful that even in the uncomfortable "off" moments of "us", we know that ultimately we are united.

Ups and downs are plenty over here in our household.

I am always thrown off when there is this sweet smooth sailing, all seems to be wonderful with "us", and then suddenly there is an unexpected derailment.

There's this feeling of marital whiplash.

*shudder* I don't like it. 

Today there were smiles,

and church,

and busyness,

and then words,

a look,

hurt feelings,


escalating emotions,

....and then that feeling that follows, which I can only describe as "yuck".

Today: I am thankful that Jesus is our glue.

Without Him how tempted we would be to neglect the work.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I don't like to think that marriage is work....but it is. Thank you for sharing.