Monday, December 20, 2010

Changing the world, one diaper at a time

Tonight I am thinking about what I do.
How sometimes it feels really small.
Like the days that I am on my knees scrubbing porcelain.
Or those times when I feel like my calling in life is to clean up... stuff. ;)

I have friends who have been called to the mission field over seas.
I am pretty much in awe of what they do daily.
I sometimes feel like a coward in comparison.

And then there are times that I get this little glimpse of what I am really called to do.
The behind the scenes, hard to see calling on my life.
This life that feels so small.
It is very small, but was created intentionally and with great precision and care.
And most importantly, has a power behind it that is very big.

Changing diapers,
cutting up chicken nuggets,
filling sippy cups...
...Or nurturing the next generation of godly men who will have an impact on their world?
Leaving a legacy of God's love.

Doing laundry,
planning menus (discovering what he likes to eat, and how to cook it best),
balancing the check book & paying the bills (trying to be the best steward I can be of the money he works so hard to earn for us)...
...Or investing lovingly in the life of a man so that the can be the best he can possibly be for what God has called him to do?
Being a gentle, respectful power behind some one who God is using considerably to show his love.

Spending 4 hours each week at a crisis pregnancy center, sometimes doing data entry, sometimes sorting baby supplies, sometimes giggling in the office, Sometines cleaning like mad,  and sometimes counseling women in crisis...
...Or saving lives?
Showing beautiful, hurting women that they are so worthy of a love greater than anything they have ever experienced.

Working in the nursery at church one Sunday each month,
cuddling babies,
reading books,
soothing tears...
... Or giving busy parents a distraction free morning to learn and grow deeper in their faith?

See, sometimes the daily grind of my life seems really, really small.
Insignificant even.
Same ol', same ol'.
Sometimes I spend 3 days in a row in sweat pants, caring for sick babies, and eating cookies (it's true).

And then God graciously shows me truth; that all of these tasks,
these mundane,
seemingly very commonplace,
non-overseas missionary callings on my life,
are very, very significant.
I wasn't an accident of creation.
I was created for a purpose
and the porcelain cleaning,
nose wiping,
menu creating,
diaper changing that I engage in...
it just may change the world. :)


Elizabeth said...

This is a beautiful post. I read it twice because, well, I need the reminder tonight.

You know there's a great book by this title:

Great minds think alike!

Amy@My Front Porch said...

How do you do it? Putting into words EXACTLY the way I feel about being a wife and mama -- and life in general. You have a gift Wendi!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Elizabeth, I didn't know about the book - how cool!

Amanda said...

love this wendi...and needed it this morning. i feel so stuck in the routine of what feels so mind-numbling maddeningly mundane and "normal" some days...needed to be reminded that it is bigger than it seems on the surface. thank you friend!

Arlona said...

The missionaries (in another country) with children the ages of your children probably do the same things that you are doing, but might not have the disposable diapers and other conveniences that we have. You are a missionary in your own scope of life. I am glad He chose you to be the momma of some of my grandsons!

Megan said...

So true Wendi... So beautiful.
Our mundane, repetitive, WONDERFUL lives... <3

Megan said...

And I HAD to steal your #1 song! ;)
Thanks, I loved it!!

Nikki said...

Beautiful, beautiful post!

Little Candle said...

Oh compelling! Thank you Wendi!