Monday, March 9, 2009

The rhythm of my life as a mommy

It seemed I had just about caught up on my sleep after spending 17 hours in the hospital with K when I began to notice Noe's cough sounding much worse. I thought he just had my cold. But then noticed his breathing was labored and much too fast. Another doctor visit? I knew what to look for - Fast heart rate, retracting, not eating. My mellow little guy would not stop crying. He was waking up in the night sobbing and coughing till it seemed his whole body was just exhausted. So, off to the after hours clinic on a Sunday afternoon. He alternated between sweetness, questions, and cuddling and fussing, clinging, and coughing. Chest x-ray, concerned medical staff, breathing treatment, and finally to the pharmacy and home. Beginning stages of pneumonia. Not so nice looking lungs. He's vulnerable to this sort of thing because of his constant fight with RSV when he was 5-8 months old. Doing so much better today! Still sleepy and kind of clingy to mommy. But really - who minds that? Breathing treatments every four hours. Lots of liquids. Watching Jay very close. So sad that he grabbed, and drank from , Noe's sippy yesterday. Praying protection around him. Seeing a wonderfully energetic K. So thankful. More thankful than before. Trying to get into some what of a routine again. Feeling a bit discombobulated after the kind of week we had last week Amazed at all God can show one when they find themselves alone with their child in a small room in the ER. The dark and the quiet broke through the otherwise busy constancy of my life. With such a precious one lying asleep in my arms I allowed that still small voice to reveal so much. So much about identity, control, love, selflessness, full reliance on Him, My utter helplessness... and yet complete capability only through Him. Still pondering it all. A heart overflowing with answered prayers. So many. In so many ways. Going to work this afternoon. A welcomed change of pace. And yet knowing I will be back with my babies in a matter of hours. Knowing I will learn and grow. Because I never come home from the Center for Women the same as I was when I left home. Anticipating a wonderful night away with David in Chicago. Only 11 more days. But who's counting? :) Trying to find rest. Trying to find balance. Learning more flexibility. Seeking Him each and every day. Because with out that I couldn't do this.


Anonymous said...

Oh Wendi, praying for ALL your boys and health over your whole household!

Pneumonia, yuck. :(

Sara@iSass said...

Goodness, I didn't know David was out of town, I skipped blog reading over the weekend.
Sending out prayers for your week to go's that.
I was on the fence about Nickaroo having pneumoia (spelling?) cause he had a cough that wouldn't go away. And of course the day we had our appointment his cough stopped.
Nina got it last year when all I thought was she had a cough too, so I don't monkey around anymore.
Better safe then sorry, that is until the med bills role in!
MAN, I sure hope Obama can figure something out because small business owners can't afford good policy's and I don't even want to admit what we pay out! and forget it if you need tests run...argh.
Hoping for everyone to be healthy! In your house and mine! Blessings sweet friend.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Sara -
Dave is not away. Must be my lovely gramatical skills coming out there. :) Dave and I are getting away TO Chicago TOGETHER in 11 days...
Thanks for you kind words and prayers.

Kari Dawson said...

Beautiful post from a beautiful mommy! Praying you find rest and hold onto all that snuggle time! It doesn't last long enough does it?

p.s. I tagged ya today, head over to my blog for the details.

Sarah said...

I'm thankful for your testimony of dependance on God...they say the best ability a missionary can have is "flex-ablility." I'm convinced (and will learn soon) that it's very much true for mothers as well.

Unknown said...

Thanks for always putting things into perspective. So thankful for the testimony your family has. Great post!

Jackie said...

Oh - can I just give you a big hug? Don't know how much that would help, though; I suppose bringing over a casserole or coming to help watch the boys would be better, right? :)

You're an amazing mommy. You are. I am so sorry this past week has been so exhausting and draining - but I love seeing the love for your boys just pour out of you.

And a getaway to Chicago??? Now that right there is absolutely something to have a countdown to!

Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

I fear the day Anthony gets a cold. We've delt with roseola and did well, but colds EKKK!!! I hope Noe feels better soon and that none of the other kiddos get it!


Debbie said...

I hope everyone is well very soon!

dani said...

prayers that they who are well remain so and that your little one will be feeling better very soon!!!
i hope you and dave will totally enjoy your chicago trip, wendi:) will it just be the two of you???
much love,
dani xxxxx

Aminta said...

Wow Wendi! When it rains, it pours! Do not worry or fret. God is gracious no matter what His plan involves. And He will never allow more then we can handle.
He is pretty darned amazing!
Loves for you and asking for peace and and a house full of rambunctious and fiesty, not to mention very healthy, boys!

Amanda said...

i love this post...despite the sickies that have plagued your house. and so excited for you to have some time away with dave soon!

Lisa said...

gosh you and your boys have been through a lot in the past few days!!!

wishing you all well and rested....

Rissa said...

Praying for all your boys & for all the sickness to be gone.. By the way thanks for stopping by my blog the other day.. & hope you enjoy your weekend with David!!
God bless!!