My sister in law gave me a book that I am very excited about exploring. It's called, "It's All Too Much" by Peter Walsh. It is about changing your lifestyle and just having less stuff.
Sara had left a great comment about not being too hard on myself, and then just really going for it when the cleaning bug hits. She helped me think through what is most important {my Dave and boys} as well as formulate a good plan to do more deep cleaning when I know I am going to have alot of time.
Elizabeth and Chelle encouraged my resolve to get rid of more stuff. Really decide what we NEED and what we use, and then throw out the stuff that just complicates our life.
Ashley had some amazing tips in a post she had written about what works for her. She is one organized woman!! Wow. It was great to read about her weekly schedule. She was also a big encouragement in helping me not to overwhelm myself. She mentioned that if things get busy, and you miss your scheduled job for a couple of days - just go to the next one and know that you will get the missed jobs when they come around on the schedule again.
Part of my frustration was that I was getting behind and then trying to do it all in one day - just exhausting myself. Some of your comments really helped me to see how helpful it will be to just pace myself.
Jacy was a huge help in her tips to lay out the boys clothes for the next day before going to bed as well as having meal plans in place for the following day! I'm doing more of that kind of stuff and I am amazed how much smoother our mornings go. Especially the mornings when we are on a schedule and have to go some where!
{Mommy etc }Elizabeth gave me some great links to the fly lady and helped by telling me some things that worked for her. She really helped me see that I am, indeed, in good company as I seek to get organized and simplify. :)
My mother in law also gave me some links to fly lady and some helpful books. She's right there with me in her quest for organization.
You all helped me in getting my priorities a little bit more straightened around, as well as giving me so many helpful hints that I have implemented and am loving! Thank you so much!!
Check out some of the changes I have made!
This was our front porch, which is used for some storage as well as play room, a few weeks ago.
After I got rid of three garbage bags full of toys and got my new "toys" and "stuff" totes {which I just love!} it looks like this.
Also, I have started keeping better track of what I have in my pantry. The shelves in my panty are kind of deep. If you happen to be a scattered person on top of that, you often get multiple food items that you don't need and end up being frustrated at yourself for the things you need and failed to buy. I'm just sayin' that could happen. Hypothetically.
I've also implemented my weekly cleaning schedule again.
I had a little conversation with myself that went something like this, "Hey girl! Just because you had a couple of very busy weeks and got off schedule it doesn't mean that this failed. Brush yourself off and try again! And it will probably happen again, because your life is pretty packed right now. Do what you can and don't pressure yourself with guilt for what you don't get done!"
It was a pretty good little pep talk to myself if I might venture to say so.
I hope to add more bits of organization to my routine, but for now this is what I've done. I just had to share, because even though these are baby steps, they have proven to be a HUGE help in encouraging me that I can do it. :)
As I close, I am super pleased to report that we are all doing well and are pretty healthy. K has bounced back beautifully. We still have some medication issues to work through, but he is back to his awesome crazy self.
Noe still has a couple of coughing fits each day, but his resilience shocked me! Twenty four hours after his pneumonia diagnosis he was just about back to 100% 'two year old' energy. Definitely answers to prayer!
My life is packed full busy right now, so finding time to write has been a bit challenging. I'll try to pop in again when I get a chance!
Way to go! It looks great. I hope this gives you a more peaceful feeling. You do a great job. I remember your house at the start. *grin*
Great job!
I am in the midst of re-organizing our home. Thinking about posting about it, hmm. If I do would you mind if I linked to your post? I was hoping others would join in de-cluttering and organizing.
I loved this post and seriously teared up at the note on your schedule. That was so super sweet. It is helpful to keep in mind why we want a clean and organized house - for us to enjoy living in :) You are doing a great job and I love your ideas! I find it hard keeping our house clean with just two of us...I can't imagine what it will be when we add children!!!
don't know if i commented on the prior organization post...but wendi...i am inspired by this. i feel like this is my constant quest...subduing the monster of clutter in my home...reminding myself that i am the victorious mistress of my domain...and that i can do this...even if it takes baby steps.
oh Wendi! I'm so glad you are on your way to organization!! From the pictures it looks like you have done a fabulous job!! I love those bins, we have a lot of different kind of bins in this house lol but those are so cute!! I'm also glad to hear that everyone is feeling better and back to their fun and healthy selves!! Don't give up on yourself, friend! EVERYBODY goes through weeks where life is chaotic and buisy and crazy. We humans are just that and can only take on so much. Hang in there and don't get yourself down for missing a day of cleaning :)
Oh, I need some of those totes! It looks so good. You're doing great, lady. Purging and organizing really does feel soooo good.
I'm so glad your peeps are feeling better. Stay well everyone!
Wow - I am beyond impressed. What a tremendous difference!
I love the little totes, but I REALLY love the dry erase board in your pantry - you've taken it to a whole new level with that! I am always forgetting what I have in my pantry, so this is the perfect solution.
And I'm so glad to hear about sweet K - what a trooper.
I'm still at the baby steps stage but it does feel good to get rid of things that I don't need and can bless others with. In this time of unemployment by so many, donating our "stuff" helps them so much. And. It. Makes. Us. Feel. Great! Love, Mom Mc
great progress the pantry list! with my size fam i don't quite need the pantry list but LOVE the idea of that! i am very much into menu planning and have saved a lot of money and time! i only buy what i plan to make...rather than buy a bunch of stuff and then see what i can make otu of it all. and i have started just listing 1-2 chores a day that are outside of teh daily week has gone better too! :-)
Great cleaning up! It's so hard with so much stuff isn't it? We have a small space and our 1yr old's things seem to be expanding all over it... can't imagine what happens if we have more!!
Love the cleaning day by day list too. That's a good idea, as I often let things go 1 or 2 days past acceptable...
Go girl! Nice work. I love your dry erase board idea....I'm going to have to try that!
What a sweet hubby you have.
Come see my post for today....I might just have a little something for you. ;-)
As our baby gets closer I am too wanting to get organized. We are adding another bedroom and bathroom with lots of storage so that is exciting, I have also gone to meal planning 2 weeks out and one large shopping day then its just milk and little tings in the 2 weeks. Saves money too. Great job looks good!
Yay for you, girl! :) And what a SWEET, SWEET note from the hubby! :) It gave me goosebumps...the little things make the biggest difference sometimes, huh? :) *sigh*
Love the totes ... and the tally marks for the pantry ...
♥ the honesty of this post as well and am now inspired to do some organizing my self during spring break :) just a week + a few days away!!
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