Thursday, January 8, 2009


K was, understandably, nervous as we made our way to the hospital yesterday. I tried to make it fun and we sang silly songs and talked about Rocket's next mission on the Little Einstein's. That is speaking K's language. :)
I brought his walker, but once I arrived I realized the the distance we had to walk was quite a bit more than K can comfortably walk on his own, so I grabbed a wheelchair and took him for a silly ride. That seemed to take his mind off from things temporarily.
We won't know the results of the EEG until the end of February, but I am still so thrilled about what I get to report to you today! :) He did it perfectly!
There is an ideal amount of awake time and asleep time which makes the EEG as accurate as possible. As I said in yesterdays post K has never slept at all during these tests. We have tried all of their suggestions; keeping him up late and getting him up very early, no naps, bringing his blanket etc. NOTHING has worked. He gets himself all worked up and just fights sleep with all he has - and he has a stubborn streak, let me tell you! :)
Regardless of our lack of success on getting him to sleep for previous EEG's I still tried all of the tricks this time. We got him up at 5:30 am and I was trying to keep myself awake! I could tell he was getting tired around the time we were leaving for his appointment. "Great!" I thought, "It's working!" But alas, He was asleep within about 15 minutes of our hour long trip. I was afraid I had lost my chances of getting him to sleep later.
He definitely fought sleep for a while once we were in the testing room. He didn't like the technician marking all over his head and hooking all of the electrodes up. No, he had no appreciation for that part. But then we turned down the lights and I experienced some thing with him for the first time. He laid his head on my chest during the EEG and let his eyes close. They opened a few times, but then he let himself relax and slept for about 20 minutes. He woke up right when they were about to wake him for the last part of the test. It was phenomenal! This will be the most accurate test they will have ever gotten from him.
Of course after being such a brave boy he got his desired reward on the way home:
That's my boy! :)
Now we wait for the results.- Of the EEG, not the french fries. We all know what the results of the french fries will be, but he could use a little bit of fattening up...
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers!! I can not tell you how appreciated they were!


Mari said...

I'm so glad it went well. He deserved those french fries!

Rachel said...

I finally caught up on your last 3 posts! I have been WAY too busy this week! So glad everything was wonderful in Iowa & that K did so well yesterday! (I love Trish's face in that first picture!)

Hey! We are only one month from our birthdays! Can you say Girls Night?

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Praise God, that IS amazing :)

Anne Elizabeth said...

That is amazing! I love hearing praise reports:)

Sara@iSass said...

Oh, what a blessing. Those fries ARE a sweet reward. yum.
Keep us posted will you please?
Continued prayers.

Rach@In His Hands said...

Oh, that is awesome....SO happy that the test went well. Hopefully the results are good!
French fries are so yummy....he deserved them!!!!

SmilingSally said...

Prayer changes things. Go God!

Jacy said...

you've got an AMAZING Kid-o on your hands girly!! I'm glad to have peeked over and found that it all went good !! There's nothing better than ending the day in a reward with french fries! Yum-O lol

Loves to you all and so proud of K!

sara said...

That is such great news!!!

And McDonalds fries my favorite treat!

Penny said...

Oh, I'm so glad everything went so well! And he deserved a chocolate milkshake with those fries, lol!! ;)

Kristy said...

Praise God for the miracle of today!! How wonderful! Now, about this stubborn streak he has... I think its a myth. I've never seen it in action, and I'm just not going to believe it until I do (of course, I might turn a blind eye anyway!).

Jackie said...

So, so amazing. What a sweet little man you have there, Wendi. I am so glad that it went far better than you could have even hoped for, and good for you for letting him have those fries - yep, that wouldn've been my choice of a treat, too. :)

Amanda Hoyt said...

That is awesome!! Praying the results are nothing short of a miracle from God too.
Many hugs and prayers,

Unknown said...

Awesome! God is good.

creative gal said...


Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

sooooo very glad that it all went well. i haven't been blogging much this week so i didn't read this all until today...but it is refreshing to know that there are so many praying for so many of us, isn't it. :-) so glad the prayers touched you!

dani said...

well, the prayers seem to be working so far, wendi:) i'm so happy for you two that the day went well; prayerfully his results will measure up to the day!!!
much love,

Lois said...

Wendy, I'm happy that you expect great answers to prayer with your sons. Happy the Caleb did well in the testing. Will pray that the test show that he will not have to continue on the medication. Love,
Aunt Lois

Tonya said...

So glad that he cooperated for the test! And I hope you get good news in February.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so happy for you and K!!!

And McDonalds does make the BEST rewards! :)

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for your comment on my blog!! your children are beautiful!!! i have never been on your blog but ill definately keep visiting it! :) i read your husband does counseling - i have a degree in biblical counseling!! how cool i rarely find people that counsel from God's Word instead of pyschology! :)

Kari Dawson said...

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers! The devil will come against you with loads of doubt during these days you wait. Thank him hundreds of times each day if you must to keep the doubt away and stand firm on your beleif to get him off those meds. Praying with you for the news you desire!