Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Days 9 & 10 {Thankful for friends and for breakfast that I was served}

Yesterday: I had a long post being written in my head. It was about how incredibly thankful I am for friends. How relational I am, how much I long for community, how I went through a lonely time period about 18  months ago and how God brought me out of that in the neatest ways.

It was very sweet, and it fit so nicely in the thankfulness posts.

But I literally only have a five minute window to do this, and until technology moves forward to mind reading computers or I have more time... the post being written in my head will have to stay there. :)

*** I have to interrupt this post to write something I am thankful about this very minute!!

We have electricity. 

I got home from mom2mom this morning and our power was off. I don't know how long it had been off, but the estimated restoration time was over two hours from now, so I am one happy girl!!

I just thought this was super fitting for my thankful post. Electricity is amazing and far too often taken for granted.

{Thank you Jesus}

That is all***

Yesterday I was struck once again by how thankful I am for like minded friends. I spent the morning with Rachel, and the evening teaching awana with some other friends.

This morning I went out to breakfast with my mom2mom group; eight ladies who I get to hang out with every Thursday morning and share the good, the hard, and the crazy of motherhood with.

Today: I am very aware of, and so thankful for, the amazing women that God has placed in my life. They encourage me, pray for me, and make me laugh. (definitely a longer post coming someday about how very much this means to me!)  

Today: I am thankful for the privilege of some one else making me breakfast, serving it to me, and cleaning it up. ;) Every now and then, that is just a beautiful thing to this mommy...

And can I just say wow to Roxy's cafe?? Sweet little place. All you locals should check it out! I definitely will not need to eat for the rest of the day after my little visit there!

Today: I am thankful for our small group. It is hard for 5 families to clear their schedules twice a month to meet. But it is important, and we have tried to protect our time to make it happen. I'm thankful to be meeting with these dear families tonight and discuss chapter 1 of Crazy Love.

And now, I must decide to be thankful for all of these wonderful dishes that need washed and wonderful clothing that needs folded. :)


Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

I wish I could find a group like that. You are blessed.

Rachel said...

Thankful for you too. So blessed our paths have intersected again. <3

The Sneaky Mommy said...

An older mom once told me to cherish the close friendships I had with other young moms in this season of life. She said that the bond was irreplaceable. I think she was right! :)

Nikki said...

I especially like the last line: it's easy to forget that thankfulness is a decision...and can extend to even dirty dishes and mounds of laundry! ;-)