Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Day 29 {Thankful for some down time}

I am learning a new photo editing program, so today I thankful to have such great technology at my fingertips. It takes me a while to learn new things. I'm hoping to pick up on all of this quickly to get through the work that is waiting to be completed.

Today: I am thankful for some down time. I am so glad that Tuesdays continue to be a lull in my week. It is the only day that has more than a couple of hours of down time.

I am grateful today for a sub, working as Caleb's one on one aid at school, who he just adores. He is doing so well with all of the changes he has had to face this year, and I am proud of him. We have very grateful hearts concerning all who give him the extra help he needs in school! We are so blessed.

I am thankful today for Christmas music.

I am thankful for coffee. I hesitate to put that, because I'm pretty sure in the last 29 days it has made it into at least 2-3 posts. I don't want to be redundant on the blog... but it is what it is. I am redundantly thankful for coffee, and there is no sense in hiding it.

I am thankful for our bedroom, and what a relaxing oasis from the "crazy" that it is. The remodel we did two years ago was alot of work, but so very worth it! I may have locked myself in there with a book and steaming tub filled up to capacity this evening while Dave controlled the chaos downstairs. And by controlling the chaos, I mean played Wii.

I am thankful for my crock pot. There's just nothing like being able to take care of, and then forget about, supper by 7:30 am...

1 comment:

Penny said...

Oooh -- love all those things!! Great post. =)