Monday, November 28, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Day 28 {Thankful for succesfully hitting the ground running}

Today: Realty. Monday. Routine. Unpacking. Catching up. Balancing the check book.


So grateful for motivation in getting things done that needed done.

A simple statement, but a big deal to me.

By noon there was fresh milk, bread, cheese, and cereal in the house, AND you you could see my kitchen floor.

This is the floor where everything was dropped last night. All of the suitcases, bags, food items, and various strange paraphernalia that accumulates during a trip. It was just dumped onto my kitchen floor in tiredness. This is the post trip routine, and often you can not see my kitchen floor for a few days. Thus, the thankfulness over the ability to not only see my floor, but to see that it was vaccumed and mopped.

I am grateful for Dave's flexible schedule and for today being a day to stay home and study all day long. Studying just didn't happen for him while on vacation, so he made up for it while I unpacked.

I am thankful once again for Arlona's willingness to step in so that I can step out. Another night at the Center for Women, and ministering to three women in particular tonight.

Grateful for friendships here, even as I am a bit wistful for the ones I have just come away from.

Thankful for Hannah, and some great talks with her tonight.

Thankful for those who make here even more homey for me.

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