Saturday, November 26, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness; Day 26 {Thankful for their 40 years}

Today: I am thankful for a morning photo shoot with my sister, brother in law, and three nephews. For an accelerated Christmas card design session, and being able to do what I love with my family. - And of course, grateful for an understanding sister when we noticed that not even one of the photos presented us with every one looking at the camera and smiling...

I am grateful for the opportunity to see some of Dave's family as well, and another reminder of the many who love us and who are loved BY us.

So, so thankful for Dave and Mike... and their understanding and willingness to watch 7 boys (s e v e n!!) for 4 hours so that Trish and I could catch some girl time, shopping + Starucks + laughing so hard we may have gotten a few strange looks.

And today, especially, I am thankful down deep that my parents stayed together. Today we celebrate that. We know that being married is hard. It's sweet. There is nothing like the companionship and incredible sharing that we gain when we are married. But, seriously, we know it takes work every day.

And they have worked at it. We know their story. We know it got hard. And here they are.

So we rented a room at Pizza Ranch, My oldest sister April made a beautiful cake, we all gathered in and presented them with our gift - a boat ride on the Mississippi at the time of their choosing - and we celebrated.

{So thankful!}

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