Monday, March 21, 2011

Choosing joy

Do you see?

Your life wouldn't be better if you had a different job

Or a more loving spouse

Or lost 25 pounds

Or had well behaved children

There wouldn't be this measurable change and sudden ease of spirit if suddenly you got that raise

And hired a maid

And no longer had to pinch every single penny

If depression no longer stalked

Disease and sickness stayed away for good

You think everything would be fine then?

You are working even now towards that end?

For sure there are things that lessen life's load.

Circumstances can ease ones pain - for a time.

For a time.

But unless the change is from the inside out

in cooperation with and in obedience to

the one you owe your life to

It will not make a dent in the discontentment you nurture.

Raising a child with special needs and never thought that would be you?

Overwhelmed with debt and see no end in sight?

Death, stalking like an unwanted stranger - but now a reality that is all too known?

Dark things like abuse, pornography, addictions, loss of control, threatening to choke the life out of your once bright and welcoming dreams?

Can't shake the heaviness stealing your joy?

You can feel the beat of your heart behind your eyes and you know what I speak of.

{This is the secret}

It doesn't have to master you.

It doesn't have to master you.

You don't have to wait for something better to come along.

Becasue don't we all do that?

Don't we sit, waiting for that magical "better".

Something - anything, that will eventually come our way and make it all okay.

No. NO.  A change in our circumstances will only prolong that wasted, and false, theory.

The secret is not me, anything about me, or anything that can happen to me.

The secret is not a what, but a who.

It is Christ in me, enabling me to be all I can be, right here, right now, for a purpose.

This has become my life verse and I will repeat it over and over on those days when I wait for that better to happen to me, when really I need to be taking action to BE the better.

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."  2 Peter 1:3

-And I do like the message translation as well:

"Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust."

Hear it

See it

Choose it!!

Experience it - the best invitation we ever received... 


Unknown said...

"discontentment you nurture".

That's quotable and convicting. Thanks, Wen. Preach it.
Have you read "One Thousand Gifts"?
I'm thinking I need your address, please.

Love you.

the_blissful_mommy said...

that was me, by the way ;) Esty

Elizabeth said...

Great post! :)

Katarina said...

So true! learning that and it is so freeing.
Have you read One Thousand Gifts yet? Just started it today and it's basically about this concept.

Penny said...

Exactly. =)

BARBIE said...

I am learning to be content in all things. It's only possible if I keep my eyes focused on the true source of my joy. Christ in me, the hope of glory.

Amber D said...

Oh wow honey, this is great. I'm sharing it everywhere I can. So amazing I'm also going to be sending this to my friend who never thought she would be the mom of a special needs child. Thanks for sharing your heart.

Nikki said...

Oh Wendi, you've hit the nail on the head (or at least MY head!) again. This is the continual story of my life: discontentment, trying to gain enough "control" to wrench things into a semblance of the way I think they should be....and all the while, putting my hope for salvation in people. circumstances. my efforts.
Thank you for this. I'll be ruminating on it for awhile.

Unknown said...

Loved this part!!!!

"But unless the change is from the inside out

in cooperation with and in obedience to

the one you owe your life to

It will not make a dent in the discontentment you nurture."

How true we need to be in cooperation with our Savior!!!!

Amy@My Front Porch said...

This is absolutely, positively SO MUCH of what God has been teaching me lately. SO GOOD!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Seriously excellent Wendi.

"The secret is not a what, but a who."

That belongs in a book. :)

Hayley said...

"A change in our circumstances will only prolong that wasted, and false, theory."

Wow, so true, Wendi.

Your deep-thought titles keep popping up in my google reader and I've been saving them to savor and read when I have time.

Ahhhh, you didn't disappoint.

Love you, friend.