Monday, August 24, 2009

Not Me Monday...

(Being brutally honest, and living to tell about it...)
This week I have not felt like no matter how little/much I eat I have no control over the third trimester weight gain. I'm not concerned over it because really - that would be so shallow! I only worry about the health of the baby. Vain thoughts of my own body have no place in this beautiful process we call pregnancy. I did not put potty training Noe on hold because he started telling me he didn't want to do it, squirming off the potty, crying, carrying on... I am inflexible and structured. Since I am the parent I will always stick to my plans and rules and not take the cues from the kiddos. I do not believe that if the child isn't ready we are both just going to be very frustrated. Not me. I'm totally into cleaning up pee and poop over and over since my child is not ready to take the steps necessary to go in the potty. My endless energy encourages such things. I did not get giddy and excited over dry wall. Dry wall?? How boring. Are you kidding me? Who would take pictures of it, touch it, and smell it? Not me. Upon receiving a delivery of the tub and sink faucets I had ordered, I did not get them out of their boxes multiple times to look at them. Every one knows that once you have seen some thing, you've seen it. It's not like it's going to change in an hour. There would be no reason to get it out over and over to just look. Which is why I didn't do that. My hubby most certainly did not hang all of the ceiling dry wall by himself while ignoring watching our three very active boys during the 4 hours that I was gone Saturday afternoon. He did not tell me previously that it was at least a two person job, and he most certainly didn't reply "Well I meant a two person job for normal people" when asked about it.
I have not been singing the praises of Zantac all week. I always love being pregnant and don't ever have moments where I just want to be done. The heart burn which has kept me up for about 3 hours each night was a joy. Insomnia, and back aches are delightful to me as well. I smile through it all. I have not been dreaming about a new camera. I am always wise with our finances, so of course even thinking of such a purchase is not practical and I would not entertain such frivolity. I did not stalk Facebook today on a regular basis waiting for news of my sweet friend Amanda's new baby. If I had done so - I may have jumped off my chair and clapped when the news I was looking for caught my eye. But since none of that happened, than of course I didn't. I'm not that cheesy anyway. So, that's what I haven't been up to... I'll let you know what we have been doing sometime soon.


Unknown said...

Girl, you're crazy. You're just about the cutest and tiniest pregnant lady I've ever seen. You can look at that extra weight gain in the face and laugh. Pshaw!

Sara@iSass said...

Why do men think they can handle "little" jobs? Not that either one of ours would ever consider doing such crazy things!
Oh, heartburn, yeh I remember that, I also remember cursing the bigness making it impossible to sleep...but oh those sweet faces make it all worth it.

Anonymous said...

I second everything MB said!

Heather of the EO said...

I love what you don't do :)