I love the challenge extended to us on Becoming Me. About a month ago she posted about her Blog Mission Tour which is now taking place. This was the challenge: "Create a mission statement for your blog. It does not have to be long. Just write the purpose behind why you blog and what you want your blog to be".
I thought this would be a great opportunity to come up with a mission statement for Every Day Miracles. I had never really sat down and articulated why I do this or what I want it to be. So here's what I came up with~
I blog because God has brought us through way too much not to share His faithfulness with others. God has given me a story to tell. My story is one of grace, redemption, love and miracles. I write to encourage others and to remind myself of the amazing things God has already done in my life. It is in looking back that I often fall to my knees in overwhelmed thankfulness for all he has done and gain strength to press on. It is my desire that what I write here will bring glory to God, point others to Him, and solidify in my own heart that it is by his grace alone that I take each breath. So whether it’s potty training (Have you ever stopped to think about what a miracle that is?!), chocolate (can somebody say miracle?), or a profundity that God has laid on my heart, my writing is an offering to Him. So often it directs my focus back on what is truly important. I pray that what I lack in writing ability, God will make up for in that awesome redemptive way that he has. I pray that he will use the sheer love I have for creating with words and make it into some thing beautiful for Him.
Join the tour friends! It is a really fun way to think through why you write and what it can mean in your life. Click on the Mission Tour image above to go directly to the post where you can link up and add your own mission statement.
Beautiful, just beautiful! I just started a blog today named "Storyteller", so I'm right there with you.
Also, I have been thinking about doing a post on potty training...yes it is a miracle.
So beautifully put!
anyway, I AM SO GLAD that you had a change of heart about posting just random photos or updates to your wonderful words of daily encouragment...and you're so relatable. And I've always loved your title... :-)
I visited once before when Angela featured your story. I haven't lost a child but I have a special needs child. I don't like labels but I see them as giving us the educational needs for my son. God has walked with us through all of this and I seek to find Him in every difficult situation. Your writing will continue to encourage me to be real and seek perspective, God's perspective. Thanks for sharing.
Grace, redemption, love, and miracles. Isn't our Lord so good?
And since I'm in the throes of potty-training right now, I am attesting to the fact that it is HUGE miracle. Once I'm still waiting on to be complete. :)
as a mom of two in diapers potty training is indeed sounding a bit like a miracle, and um, yeah, chocolate is ALWAYS a divine revelation! i'm glad i found you via the blog tour... i'm definely looking forward to coming again and getting to know you better!
I am so inspired by writers such as yourself and the many others who open their hearts and share their lives.
I am VERY new to this and I thank you for your inspiration.
Your mission and your heart are both very precious to me. I am praying for you!
Truly beautiful Wendi. A real testimony to our Lord.
Many blessings-
Wendi -
Thank you for stopping by ... and for your kind words ...
It's people like you and the many others who are Christian bloggers who give me the courage to do this and share my heart.
That is a great mission statement so beautifully written. I wanted to do the tour but I just don't think I can come up with a good mission statement. Have fun on the tour!
I loved reading your beautiful words. Part of the beauty that comes from the ashes is the ability to share that beauty with others. Thank you for joining in my friend. I know that your blog inspires many.
Thanks for this beautiful picture....
Stunning, absolutely stunning.
Beautiful as always! :)
Beautiful! I love your mission and your heart to share!
Great statement. My reason's for blogging have evolved over the years as has my blog. Currently it is to connect with other moms and to keep family and friends updated on what is going on in my life.
That's beautiful, Wendi. What a great mission - to use your blog to share the story of God's love and redemption in your life. What else could be more important?
Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. I hope you'll come again. I'm adding you to my Bloglines. I love how many wonderful women I'm meeting through this Mission Tour!
I know I already commented, but I just wanted to say that your comment to me today made me laugh. :) Feel free to "steal" my idea...like you said, it's really just multi-tasking! :) haha. And your thoughts on Twitter made me think...so I changed my Twitter profile to "private" and I'm thinking of taking it down from my blog so that the axe murderers are not all up in my business. :) You had some very good points, my friend!
Have a wonderful day, Wendi.
K that was seriously so beautiful! What a great and inspiring blog! Thanks so much for commenting so that I was able to find you! :)
What an inspiring story about your family also! You are a strong woman!!!
definitely wonderfully put...and wendi, just want to once again tell you how much i love coming by...being encouraged in my walk with Christ, my mommy-ing, my wife-ing...thank you for blogging!
I am new to your blog and landed here through the blog mission tour.
Your words are absolutely beautiful.
you are a wonderful example, a true inspiration, and beautiful soul...thank you for always pointing back to Jesus.
I came because of the mission tour. Yours is a awesome statement.
My first visit to your blog via the Blog Mission Tour, but it will not be my last - love your statement and your blog!
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