Today I am joining my friend Elizabeth @ mommy etc for feel good Friday. What's not to love about encouraging each other with all of the great things going on in our lives! :)
The reasons behind my smile are these:
A wonderful "family date" last night. It was our one last good time with daddy before we were replaced in his life by the roofing project. :) We had so much fun! The university where Dave works has a learning fair each year where there are several free and fun activities for kids, prizes, a bunch of animals, cotton candy - you know, all the good stuff. :) A highlight for the boys was being able to sit in a real fire truck! :)
The learning fair was our first stop. After that Dave dropped me off for an appointment and bought the boys ice cream. When we met up again we all went to Lowe's together. That's what I call quality family time! Honestly, one of the things I love about us is how we can make just about any thing into fun family time. Going to Lowe's for windows, lumber, and nails was a memorable part of our evening. :)
Dave and I put the boys to bed early and enjoyed a movie and pop corn together last night. It's been a long time since we've had a special evening to ourselves like that! It was so healing for me to just relax with him and hold his hand. We watched National Treasure, Book of Secrets and both enjoyed it. It mostly just meant alot to me that Dave recognized that his upcoming busyness/absence would put alot more responsibility on me. He really wanted me to have a nice relaxing evening and he was so great about giving us his time.
So thankful that Dave has the handy abilities to do our home remodeling. He's saving us so much by doing the roof project.
So thankful that Dave's dad has made himself available to help out with this project. He is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom on such things. He is such a help to Dave!
So thankful that our good friend 'Uncle Scott' gave of his time and skills (he's got skills) to our project today as well.
Thrilled that when this project is done our bed room will have three feet added to it and I will have a real closet instead of a teeny tiny space to hang my clothes. :) Yay!
Loving that Jay is having a big day away at his Aunt 'Utility Girl's' house. He loves spending time with his cousin Energy Boy. He has very rarely had a day away and I think we are both benefiting form being able to actually miss each other. :) THANK YOU U.Girl!
Enjoying some special one on one time with K while Noe naps.
Shocked and thankful that Noe is actually napping while there is sawing, prying, and nailing going on directly above him. Wow. Did not expect that! :)
Thankful for the many ways that God shows his love to me. Thankful for the friends he sends my way to encourage and uplift me.

Keep focusing on all you have to be thankful for! I know from experience, it makes life so much more enjoyable for all!
yay! so glad you were able to participate! so thankful that you are thankful!
It makes me smile to read about the things that put a smile on your face!
We love going to Lowe's as is a free, fun "date". :) We mostly window-shop while there, but we do a lot of dreaming, and it's a great time.
You look so cute, Wendi. And young! I love it!
Yeah for your closet. I am all about storage and organization. It's one of the few things in life i feel I can control. The boys are so cute in the big fire truck.
definitely sounds like a great friday...full of so many blessings..and i will be stopping by to check out what feel good friday is all about!
I love your post! It is fun to make any event family fun time. Good for you guys!
awwwwwwwwwwwwe, i am experiencing "date-night" envy, wendi. with a 15 year-old who loves to stay at home (with company), we don't get to enjoy them very often...
i'm so excited for you with your remodeling, and how blessed you are to have so many willing helpers:)
Ok. I just have to say that your taste in music ROCKS. :) I have been sitting here listening for about an hour, and I am not kidding when I say that the majority of these songs are either on my own playlist that I made a while back, or ones that I really, really love. Norah Jones. Ingrid Michaelson. Canon in D. Held. Only Hope. What a Wonderful World. I'll stop now, but playlist I've seen in a long time! :)
Love it when I find a post that makes us all happy :)
I love how positive it all sounds! What a great family!
Though I must say Lowes doesn't sound so great - I've spent way too many hours there waiting for hubby and begrudging the lost moments!
What a great post, and what cute pictures!
Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment!
Wow, I'm so amazed at that huge project at your house. For some reason, I am shocked when life continues on amid your BLOGGing. Really! Priorities Girl! :)
btw, the sig looks awesome!
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