Saturday, May 24, 2008

So many reasons... love this time of year!
Bare feet in the grass, beautiful blooms, hours in the sand box, an afternoon at the park, chocolate ice cream, dirty smiles, bravery for the big boy slides, kisses in the sun, daddy being a little boy, giggles, family time. Blessings.

And just to document the fact that I am certifiably crazy (in case you were demonstrating your kindness by giving me the benefit of the doubt), I submit the photographic evidence of me wearing my white bermuda's. White. With my three boys. Five, three, and seventeen months. In the sand box, eating chocolate ice cream, then playing at the park. The absurdity of it never even occured to me until last night when I was downloading pictures. It's just one of those things. I love color, but white has a certain unexplainable appeal to me. When I see something really cute and I am given color options, the white one almost always jumps out at me and says, "Don't think about how impractical I am. Just buy me". My garment collection, of an unreasonably white nature, has grown over the past few years. The newest to join the craziness has been a sun dress and skirt. I don't know why I so often give in to that which makes no sense at this stage of my life, but let's just chalk it up to a women's prerogative. :) Sounds good to me. I have a washing machine. I have bleach. :)


Leslie said...

great entry...

ohhh and btw, I totally feel you, I went down 10 pounds, and haven't made it all up yet. Im still down 5 from preg preggo.... I didn't ever want to eat, in fact this is the first time ever preggo I feel like I could eat all day, its kinda nice.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...


Sarah M. said...

Looks like a great family date! It's nice here except it is soooo windy! Go figure!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

You're too cute! I love white too...and yellow :) YAY FOR SUMMER!!!

Are you guys coming back for a visit this summer?!?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Lovely family! You are so blessed.

Kristy said...

White is practical. What other color could you drop chocolate ice cream on and then throw in the washing machine with bleach??? I rest my case.